Creating Successful Blended Learning
Blended learning refers to combining face-to-face instruction with eLearning, and is also known as hybrid, mixed, or integrative learning. Blended learning must successfully integrate synchronous (at the same time) and asynchronous (not happening at the same time) activities,…
Clean Out Your Computer Day
Want to work better and faster? Of course you do! Cleaning out your computer can help you accomplish this. Deleting unnecessary files and uninstalling unused applications can make your computer run faster, and getting organized by sorting your…
Fostering innovation is crucial for businesses
Fostering innovation is good for businesses and yet many don’t do it. Innovative companies grow faster and are more profitable than those that aren’t innovators. Benefits include differentiating from the competition, increasing sales and profits, and better employee…
Getting to Know Velsoft better
Studies have shown that getting to know co-workers has many advantages, including employee satisfaction, a better team atmosphere, and enhanced productivity. In The Benefit of Getting To Know Your Coworkers, 2313 Inc. writes that: “One of the main benefits…
What do vegetables have to do with training?
So what do vegetables have to do with a good learning experience? As it turns out, not much. Recently I was completing an update of one of our softskills courses and I came across an Energizer activity that…
Recognizing the Privacy Officer on Data Privacy Day
Today, Jan. 28, is Data Privacy Day around the world. As the name suggests, it’s a day to promote good privacy practices and education at home and in the workplace, and to recognize the work being done to…
Three words for February: Clean, Balance, Organize
Clean. Balance. Organize. I recently read a blog by Chris Brogan (keynote speaker, author, and business and marketing advisor) in which he explains why instead of making New Year’s Resolutions, he uses a practice called “My 3 Words.”…
Mobbing in the Workplace Quick Reference Guide
What is mobbing in the workplace? More and more people are becoming familiar with the harmful effects of bullying. Bullying is a problem that exists in many environments, including workplaces, and inflicts harm on the target through the…
Is It Possible to Cure Stage Fright?
Musicians, actors, magicians, politicians, and trainers all have one thing in common: performing in public. Stage fright is a workplace hazard for these people! While there are many causes of stage fright, one of the most common is…
To ditch or not to ditch, that is the question
“Many years ago, I resolved to never bother with New Year’s Resolutions, and I have stuck with it ever since.” — Dave Beard Like Dave Beard, it seems as though most Velsoftians didn’t make New Year’s Resolutions either,…
What is Mobbing?
What and Why? Bullying is a problem that exists in many environments, including workplaces, and inflicts harm on the target through the use of harassment, threats, intimidation, humiliation, or sabotage. It is damaging and often occurs over a…
Making Training Dollars Count
In today’s economy, finding ways to make every dollar count is more important than ever. What investment will give you the longest-lasting impact? The answer, of course, is training. The old saying, “Give a man a fish and…
Clean Off Your Desk Day: The Aftermath
Clean Off Your Desk Day encourages people to have a clutter-free, clean, and organized workspace. Experts say a functional workspace will increase productivity, as a clean and organized desk allows workers to focus and process information more easily.…
The Top 10 Softskills Needed for Future Success
Businesses that don’t invest in training and teaching their employees new skills over the next few years are going to get left behind, according to a report released by the World Economic Forum. “New technology adoption drives business…
Organization of a code base in CSS and HTML
Strategy and Structure The organization of a code base can greatly affect speed of development as well as the speed at which a page is rendered. Performance As a website’s code base and traffic grows, a new skill…
Mobbing in the Workplace
For about six years beginning in 1997, four female firefighters in Richmond, British Columbia were subjected to harassment from their male colleagues. The women reported incidents including obscenities written inside their helmets and lockers, threatening notes, the display…
A little bit of trivia
Here at Velsoft, we enjoy trivia. Account representative Cindy poses a daily question to staff on HipChat, and content creation manager Kevin regularly quizzes the sales staff with statistical trivia. What is trivia? Dictionary definitions include: matters or…
Story Marketing Lessons from Star Wars
I love movies and TV series, especially science fiction. I own copies of all the Star Wars movies, along with all the Star Trek movies and episodes from all the different series. I also have Firefly, Babylon 5,…
Velsoft’s advent calendar
As most Velsoftians are aware, at the head office we’ve been conducting a reverse advent calendar activity. Many of us will remember having advent calendars as youngsters, each day in December opening the little door in the calendar…
Getting Started with OneNote Online
OneNote Online is the cloud-based version of Microsoft’s note taking program. Using OneNote Online, you can gather many types of content into one location, and share your notes as needed. Best of all, OneNote Online’s interface is intuitive…
GDPR: The First Six Months
December 2018 marks almost seven months since the European Union’s GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) was enacted, resulting in a shake-up of privacy practices in Europe and around the world. Since then, what has been the effect of…
What I want for Velsoft Christmas
Happy Velsoft Christmas! As is our annual tradition, I thought this week I’d find out what each Velsoftian wants most for Christmas. My list includes a column of items they each asked for, as well as things they…
Promoting a Marketing Webinar QRG
Webinars are an affordable and effective tool for connecting with your staff, customers and your online community. As someone who already has the skills to create webinars — from the structure and content to how to use webinar…
The gift of giving
As a result of the efforts of Velsoft’s Chief Happiness Officer Michael and his friends, 31 children will have a better Christmas this year. Michael and his friend Jay Perrier have organized Rappin’ Gifts annually for five years, and…
What is a Webinar? Why Use Webinars?
Webinars are now a common and effective tool being used by thousands and thousands of companies and people, across all industries. They are being used for everything from training to customer service, and education to marketing. Webinars are…
Stop missing out on webinar marketing benefits
Have you ever thought about using a webinar as part of your marketing strategy? If you haven’t, here’s why it’s a good idea. Webinars can help drive sales, through new prospects, lead conversion, and the development of a…
Getting to Know the designers at Velsoft
This Weekly Update takes a look at the people responsible for making our products and communication look so good —our design department. Dylan Langille Dylan is Velsoft’s multimedia developer, which means that he does graphic design – creating…
For me, successfully managing change starts with supper
Like most of us, my family is busy. It includes two parents working full-time, running a household and volunteering in various capacities, and two teenage students involved in a myriad of extra-curricular activities from music lessons to team…
Productivity resources – just a click away!
As our world gets faster, productivity becomes more important. Most of us are being asked to do more in less time, and with fewer resources. But that presents another challenge: who has the time to learn how to…
Viola Desmond’s fight for justice and civil rights
Earlier this week, Canada began circulating a new $10 bill. But what does this have to do with Velsoft? Other than the fact that Velsoftians like to earn and spend money, the new bank note features a portrait…