Lest we Forget
Whether you are celebrating Armistice Day, Veterans Day, Remembrance Day or one of the many other national observances, November 11th is a special day to reflect on the sacrifices made by the brave people who defended and continue to…
Velsoft costumes of Halloweens past
This is the last Friday Update before Halloween, so I thought I’d go with a scary and very frightening topic — things Velsoftians wore as Halloween costumes in years gone by. Some of these are many years gone…
Careers before Velsoft
Two of us were talking in the lunch room the other day and we began to wonder what other employees did for a job before coming to Velsoft. Well, it started to really bug me and I decided…
Cindy’s Friday the 13th experience
This being Friday the 13th, I thought I would talk to you about one of our newest ‘Account Managers’, Cindy. I know many of you are aware of her bubbly personality, eternally happy disposition and talented kids but…
What we’re thankful for
Thanksgiving gives us a chance to reflect on all the things we are thankful for. At Velsoft we have so many -- the wonderful roads around our palatial head office, having a coffee shop close by that takes…
How Keith failed botany class
Not all of you may know that Keith (production lead) is one credit short of obtaining his BSc in Botany. How he failed that one credit is an incredible story. Keith was doing a field project for his…
Where is your succession candidate hiding?
Are you an organ donor? Do you ever wonder about who will get your heart, lungs, or liver when you no longer need them? You can think about succession planning that way. Once you’re done with your career,…
What is a Virtual Campus and how can it help your business?
In 2016, we launched our Virtual Campus solution and since then we have worked with businesses all over the world to launch their own cost-efficient, high-quality eLearning institutes. However, it’s come to our attention that not everyone understands…
Takeaways from my first Tradeshow
Sometimes a sea of people can be overwhelming but other times, it can be exactly what you need for that quick adrenaline rush. In February, I got a little bit of both with my first ever tradeshow, held…
Is this the beginning of the end of the traditional workplace?
Remote workers. Sounds like robots or the name of a new punk band. But it’s not, it’s a new workplace reality. This infographic states that 20 percent of the global workforce telecommutes and that 77 percent of companies…
Getting a cup of coffee shouldn’t be this stressful
I look forward to my morning coffee, it starts my day off right. But not one recent morning. It left a bad taste in my mouth, figuratively at least. While placing my order I was made to feel…
Sitting pretty is much easier now thanks to this
Sitting here, I wonder if I’m doing irreparable physical harm to myself. Plenty of sensational blog headlines say that I am, that I’m sitting myself into an early grave. Now a study 16 years in the making tells…
Change management programs mainly target Millennials
When you introduce a change to an organization, you impact the systems, processes, organization structure and job roles. When change occurs, there are two key aspects required to follow the change through; project management and change management. This…
Adding a Personal Note in Skype for Business
Sometimes you want to share a bit of information to everyone who has you listed as a contact without directly sending them a message. That’s where personal notes are useful in Skype for Business.Personal notes are short lines…
Change your LMS pain to gain
You’ve made the decision – it’s time for your business to embrace eLearning. Okay, so now what? The first step is acquiring an LMS – a learning management system. You can’t deliver eLearning without one, so that sounds…
User-generated content in learning expected to rise
One-quarter of respondents to a recent poll say they expect learning with user-generated content (learners creating and sharing their own learning materials or content) to increase. In addition to user-generated content being used for learning, it is also…
Take a Giant Leap in Learning with 1 Micro Step
When Neil Armstrong landed on the moon and made his famous ‘one giant step for man’ quote, it resonated throughout the world. It was also dissected by teachers, scientists and critics alike. It became, and still is, a…
Are digital badges worth it?
I’ve been thinking a lot about digital badges lately. And I have some questions. Are they good? Bad? A fad? I guess my questions boil down to: what is their value? Compared to traditional means of showing academic…
A fool-proof guide to creating a culture of workplace learning
A culture of workplace learning. We’ve all heard the term, but really what is it? Simply this: a workplace mindset that encourages learning, development, inquisitiveness and self-improvement. It may be easy to define, but is it easy to…
Drowning in data? This will help
“Lies, damn lies, and statistics” is credited to Mark Twain, Benjamin Disraeli, and others; regardless of where it originated that sentiment can be held by a business owner drowning in data. Data can anchor your business, but is…
Breaking the faith, what’s to be done?
We’ve seen it all before, it’s a favorite story line of movie makers and novelists. The main character loses the faith of his companions and has to rebuild the relationship, with it often becoming stronger than it was…
How learning is like a pot-luck dinner
Everything we do these days is shared, so why not learning? I teach you, you teach me, and we all learn together in collaboration. Everyone has something to offer, a viewpoint with value. I’ve often taken the stance…
How do you compare to this vision of learning?
Where does your organization fit in the worldwide framework of learning? I have asked myself that before, and now, after a bit of research, feel that we are on the right path through the global learning landscape. During…
The secret ingredients of a succession plan
If you plan to live and work forever, then you don’t need to read any further. However, if you are a business owner or executive and would like to retire at some point, please read on. You need…
Did You Watch?
We are consumers of mass media here at Velsoft. We like our websites, music, ebooks, and TV shows – especially TV shows. (I’m not even going to mention the hold that movies have on some staff members, that’s…
Have I ever told you about…?
Let me tell you about the time I almost got eaten by a shark. Or the time I escaped a burning office tower. Or about the time I won $5 million in the lottery and how I spent…
Don’t know where to start? 4 phases of Project Management
Project management can be difficult because it can be so diverse. There are many different types of projects, and within that there are different stakeholders, budgets, expectations, goals, resources and so forth. A large part of project management…
What is SCORM?
SCORM, or Sharable Content Object Reference Model is a collection of standards and specifications for eLearning software products. In other words, it is a set of technical standards to which programmers are encouraged to write their codes for,…
Measuring Training Results: Kirkpatricks 4 Stages of Evaluation
Each week, I try to pick an interesting, useful or informative topic to write a blog about, but this week I thought – why not see what our readers have found interesting, and write something related to that.…
A Positive Customer Service Experience: Approaches and Techniques
From time to time I’ll go through our courses and pick a topic that I think would be interesting, informative or helpful to others. Through doing this I’ve realized that we really are a company that is called…