Laugh or cry, it’s up to you
How does the saying go? It’s something like ‘I would rather cry in a Mercedes than laugh on the bus.’ This is just another version of the old time-worn saw ‘Money doesn’t buy happiness.’ Well, neither does poverty,…
Don’t lose sleep over these figures
Let’s look at a few numbers. 25, 49, 35 The first number tells us that one-quarter of Chief Human Resources Officers and HR leaders lie awake at night worrying about employee engagement and retention. Twenty-five percent, that’s a…
What kind of trainer are you?
Have you ever thought about how you measure up as a trainer? Are you the hyper-prepared A type who leaves absolutely nothing to chance? Are you the fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants type who wings it? Somewhere in between? I know what…
Stress busting, or stress inducing?
The number of stress balls flying around the Velsoft office far outpaces the actual level of stress. Those balls are the orphans of a promotional idea that’s now lost in the mists of time. A coffin-shaped box that…
Some love it, others hate it, but it’s not going away
Here’s a topic that might get your blood boiling, one way or the other: political correctness. According to Wikipedia, political correctness means “using words or behavior which will not offend any group of people.” Regardless of which side…
It’s like a MOOC, but not
Pressed for time? Pressed for learning? That’s pretty common these days and it looks like one vision of MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) learning aims to address that. The NOOC (Nano Open Online Course) is the next step…
This Guide Reveals Where You Don’t Measure Up
How well do you know yourself? Really know yourself? Be honest. Can you look at yourself and your skills and say that you don’t need any improvement? If so, then congratulations, I wish I could join you but…
Attaching a Template to a Document
Here’s the scenario: you urgently need to submit a document and it needs to meet a deadline and a standard to be accepted. No standard plus no acceptance equals big trouble. You have the document and you have…
How to fix your LMS mistake
You have finally settled on an LMS for your eLearning. Congratulations. You’ve managed to force your courses into that LMS and have started to edit them. It’s not easy, in fact it’s downright painful. It’s awkward and slow…
How do I get help in Excel 2016? Tell Me
How many times have you put your head into your hands and muttered to yourself when using a computer? Technology can be wonderful and also wonderfully frustrating. That’s why there are help functions built into software, because at…
The value of corporate responsibility
Gone are the days when robber barons and sleazy executives could make their way through the corporate landscape and come out on top. Millennials are the workforce of the future and have shown through their values that they…
So, now what?
You’ve finalized all the eLearning details for your organization, except one: How to get employee buy-in. I’ve worked in offices where training was mandatory and accepted grudgingly and with plenty of grumbling in the classroom. You may be…