A Positive Customer Service Experience: Approaches and Techniques
From time to time I’ll go through our courses and pick a topic that I think would be interesting, informative or helpful to others. Through doing this I’ve realized that we really are a company that is called…
Blended Learning: What is it and why all the fuss?
In 2014, 29.1 per cent of training hours were delivered through blended learning methods, and since then, that number has continued to grow. In this blog, we are going to explore what blended learning is, as well as…
5 Steps to Consider When Creating your Website
As a predominantly online business, with customers all over the world, Velsoft’s website is essentially the home base for our business. Like many other businesses, we rely on our website to link our social media pages, newsletters, and…
Providing Effective Feedback: 6 Key Characteristics
We know that giving effective feedback can be tough. You want to be able to provide constructive feedback, that helps the individual learn and grow, while avoiding insulting, belittling or punishing them. Feedback is essentially commentary on how…
Conducting a Training Needs Analysis: 3 Initial Steps
We know that introducing training can help improve employees’ skills, but it also helps businesses to reach their overall objectives and goals. In this blog, we will explore the process of how to conduct a training needs analysis –…
Social Learning: What is it and Why do it?
As I was pulling together information about social learning for this piece, I quickly realized how closely it relates to a blog I wrote a couple of weeks ago about user-generated content, which is essentially content generated by…
What Kind of Measuring do YOU do?
I don’t know about you, but as a trainer, when I complete a really great workshop I always read the evaluations. I pore over them looking for ways that I can improve training, get more engagement, provide experiences…
Going Beyond the Bottom Line with Corporate Social Responsibility
Do you know of a company that goes above and beyond to protect its workers at home and abroad? Do you work with an organization that protects the environment while growing its bottom line? Or perhaps you’ve read…
Are you ready for Social Selling?
Hello? Bueller? Bueller? Anyone? Anyone? Maybe I’m dating myself with a movie reference to “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off,” but I remember the teacher in that movie taking attendance at the front of the room, and how he tried…
The truth about hiring Millennials
In the brave new world of hiring, Millennials are often interviewing a potential employer as much as they are being interviewed. Why should we hire you? often becomes why should I work for you? Traditional recruiting is not…
These steps keep your message from getting lost
TLDR. This bit of online jargon stands for Too Long Didn’t Read. You definitely don’t want that applied to your emails, business or otherwise. It could lead to lost sales or, in extreme cases, getting your business emails…
It’s good to break the Golden Rule sometimes
Look around your office. Is everyone the same? I doubt it. There is a likely a mix of genders, races, ethnicities and backgrounds. But they all have to work together. It’s great that we can all work together,…