Learning: Adopting the Right Mindset
Adopting the Right Mindset
Adopting the right mindset for learning can take time because we have to train our brains and focus on having a growth mindset. This means controlling the ability to learn, which can be honed and developed through hard work and effort. People who have trouble realizing their ambitions and dreams often believe their talents and knowledge are static or have a fixed mindset that cannot be improved upon. But those who believe they can learn and who believe they can do better, will inevitably do better because they seek out means of learning that will help them achieve their goals. So how can you change your mindset to one of learning? Here are a few examples of things we can do daily to help us improve and become better learners.
Journaling is a great way to keep your mind sharp and to write down observations throughout the day.
Not only is journaling good for you to keep track of things you have learned throughout the day, but it is also a way for you to better remember those things. Handwriting can help to train the brain and allow you to recall information much easier.
Reflection is a very important part of your mindset. Being able to go back and objectively think about conversations that have taken place or challenges that were previously solved can help you to re-wire your brain and start seeing things you have not before, solutions that you may have never thought of, or ideas for life or work that previously seemed unattainable. Looking at things from a different perspective is key to helping change your mindset.
Much like reflection, learning from people’s reactions and opinions can be a huge help in learning. When telling stories, or having conversations with people, take some time to really perceive their reactions to what you are saying. Are they laughing? Are they intrigued? Are they bored? Knowing what other people find interesting can help you determine areas that you can focus your learning on to help you in your career, for example.
When you are facing a challenge or have tackled one in the past, it can appear like you are in a box and there is either no way out or only one feasible way out. But that is all perspective. Much like journaling and reflecting, stepping back and looking at challenges differently can help you change how your mind works. Looking at an old challenge with new knowledge can help you approach new challenges in a different manner, not only in your work, but in your personal life as well.
Taking Notes
Much like journaling, taking notes can be a great way to remember things, but it can also help with learning in the workplace.
When you take notes during a meeting or a conversation, it helps to keep your focus on what is happening around you, instead of daydreaming, or thinking about other tasks. It also makes you not only look motivated, but it can help you feel motivated. And you have that information to go back on later and expand upon, research, and learn so that you begin to excel in your job.
Methods of taking notes will be discussed in the next section in greater detail.
Activity Ideas
How have you learned in the past? Have the participants get into small groups and discuss different ways they have been able to learn in the past and have a note-taker. Discussion Points On a flip chart or whiteboard record the participants’ answers and have a class discussion about the responses. Now, bring the group back together and combine all the information gathered onto a flip chart. Talk about how people are different learners and how that is a good thing because everyone learns differently and they have to find the best way for themselves to learn. |
This is an excerpt from Velsoft’s latest softskills course release: Becoming a Better Learner.